
the reflexivity of consciousness

the reflexivity of consciousness

where do we begin?

the mind sees -

but only on reflection can we begin to speak of knowledge -

(even if we say what is seen pre-reflection is knowledge)

and reflection -

what is it we reflect on?

if the initial position is pre-reflective -

'awareness of awareness' is?

reflection on reflection?

still I wonder if it makes sense to speak of an initial
position that is pre-reflective?

is not such a suggestion artificial?

is not all awareness - 'awareness of the object of awareness'
and 'awareness of the awareness'?

can there be one without the other?

can we know - without knowing that we know?

granted the 'knowing that we know' may not be the focus
though it could be

so I am suggesting mind is just this - reflexivity

mind is this relation

the knowing that you know

self awareness - is perhaps a better way to put it

but 'reflexivity' is the sharpest

mind - on this view is a particular relation -
a unique relation

I want to say 'relation' here to really sidestep - (solve?)
- the traditional arguments here - that all centre around
substance - i.e. - mind as matter - mind as a non-material
substance - mind as some variation of both

the substance question - is something we need to move on from

all this needs to be fleshed out and thought out in some detail

I just want to make some initial points - forays if you will -

it seems we can only really talk about reflexivity in relation
to consciousness -

consciousness is such that we can speak about it - from the
inside - as if - it is an objective reality

it is not - but in so far as it 'holds' the world we naturally
accord it a quasi- objectivity

the fact that we can speak of consciousness in an objective
way is simply a function of consciousness' reflective capacity

and this is a little off my point

I want to say the relation of reflexivity can only be stated -
come into being in consciousness

it makes no sense to speak of it existing outside of consciousness

it is consciousness