in a strict sceptical sense - or in the sense
I am holding to -
what is - is - but it is without description
what it may be - pre-consciousness - pre-knowledge -
is not a question that can be
answered -
does the tree exist - if no one observes it -
is the unobserved existent?
well for theoretical reasons - we say yes -
theoretical cum practical -
and for other theoretical - higher level reasons -
philosophic - we accept that perception is not to
be equated with existence
consciousness describes what exists
existence without description (consciousness)
is I say - undefined
the question of existence is just - and only the
question of description
without description there is nothing to be said
I just want to go a little deeper here
and say that our fundamental ontological and
epistemological categories - fall into this
the material world - the physical object
the mind - knowing
are descriptions -
meta descriptions -
fundamentally - physically - biologically -
anthropologically - historically -
psychologically - entrenched
but finally descriptions
descriptions of the unknown
you might ask - well - hey could it be otherwise -
and isn't the fact that it can't - show - we are
not just talking of description - but in fact -
I don't know if human beings could conceivably -
in practice - do away with concepts of mind and matter
but I could imagine the possibility -
the organism - you might say (and this too -
is of course a description) operates within
certain parameters
it (whatever it is ) - defines - this we know - we do it
let us say there are base definitions - that fit -
the organism - and within its parameters
beyond these - base positions - there is room to move
it is clear - I think (personal hunch - putting aside
onto-epistemological issues) - that we are hard-wired -
in the brain - to - as I put it - describe what exists -
in certain ways - in categories -
and here you could say - well - such descriptions -
just have to be real
the point about it is - these categories - are just
so for practical - pragmatic - reasons - yes I would
go with such an idea - as being how it is - i.e. -
a scientific view - even though it is anything but
worked out -
there is no necessity in it
beyond our descriptions - there is no description to
appeal to - to refer to -
in this sense - everything is a posit
and - if so - then any description can be valid
to be is to be described