
Hegel 108

Hegel's Penomenology of Spirit:



the Here pointed out is a this Here which in fact is not this Here etc.

what is pointed out is a negative

this which is negative only when the Heres are taken as they should be - in being so
taken they supersede themselves

what abides is a simple complex of many Heres

the Here that is meant is not a point but a movement through many Heres into the
universal Here


the immediate cannot be described - what do we say of it - not that it does not exist -
rather that it is not known

such a view maintains the immediacy of the immediate - and the reality of its

Hegel has missed this point - or simply refuses to acknowledge it -

my bet is that he just didn't see it

the idea of the unknown as the basis of knowledge - just too radical and simple a
notion for Hegel

be that as it may

the whole point of the immediate is its stillness - and yes we do recognize it as a point

any movement is conceptual - some way of understanding - of knowing the unknown

as I have suggested before - Hegel's ideas here are OK - in the sense that any serious
attempt to give form and content - to characterize the unknown is in itself valid -

but as such any such theory is secondary - that is it cannot be regarded as fundamental

and then of course there is the issue of the utility of the conception - just where and
how it functions

I guess you would have to say that Hegel has form here - the marks are on the board

Marxism at the very least is his legacy - in an inverted way

be careful what you wish for you might get it - upside down inside out


nevertheless what we have from Hegel is philosophical fantasy

(and in principle as I have just said I am not against this)

but what he is doing at heart is completely and utterly denying the unknown - the
reality of the unknown

where this gets strange is that in his case it results in the identification of external
reality with actions of consciousness - with conception and a conceptual artifice of his

this is the problem - if you deny the reality of the unknown - you will invariably lose

you will end up thinking what you think must be how the world is

OK - from the point of view of action in the world - that is how you operate in the

but fatal as a reflective view of the nature of things