

what we are aware of in an initial sense - we learn soon can be -
must be variously

the language - N - we develop - only has content - in terms
of a meta language the language we use to define it - let us call it N1

N1 is the meta language - and it too requires definition -
hence a meta-meta language - N2

in principle - there is no end to this

a language is defined - has meaning - only in terms of -
a meta language

so you might say - it is an infinite explosion of language -
a vortex of languages

and what is it all based on - where is the meaning?

the thing is - it is based on nothing -

but consciousness reflecting - and reflecting on its reflections -
any one of these reflections can issue forth a complete ontology

a complete statement of what is - and how it is -
even how it is known

we begin with language and reflect upon it

your choice of language - is not like - will I have another cup
of coffee or not?

you come into a ready made world -

wherever you are

i.e. - in a primitive aboriginal tribe -

or middle class Australia

you have something to work with

there was always something to work with

your decisions about what you believe

and how you think

are questions of ontology - definition - meta language

and it's not as if you are sucked into an infinite regress or digress -

we make decisions - about when and where to stop -
and what to stop with

these decisions are not fanciful - or for that matter intellectual -
they came as hard won imperatives of action - of the market place

they have dirt in them

they are made in necessity - the necessity of contingency

(and these decisions can have reasons - reasons as complex
as any metaphysical system if you want to track 'em down)

logicians - abstract and quarantine

we humans work - operate as scavengers in a tip

natural language is no one consistent - clear ontology

if you want that - you could look to mathematics

natural language is a mongrel - a hybrid

consistency is generally not the issue -

need - is more to point - and need - usually in an immediate sense

you have to go to an event - you are in a hurry - you need to
dress and you don't have time to think - you grab this article
of clothing - that article - in short throw yourself together -
of course it's not perfect and you have second thoughts as you
walk out the door - but the main thing is you are on your way