
reflections of the deep

the relation mind / body is the person

(a reflection of a deeper / larger reality)

the mind reflects the body - the body reflects the mind

the result of this - or a result - is knowledge

it is a reflection of the relation

a product - an outcome - an expression

the picture we have is like this

mind and body reflect reality

this reality - outside of this mind / body relation
is not knowable

knowledge is rather an outcome of the mind / body

i.e. - we know the body - we know the mind

it is a reflection of a reflection of a reflection

somewhat removed from the ground of being

and our knowledge is very circumspect

what we know directly is impressionistic - sensational

and its ontological status is particular

the exploration of this particularity is the development
of indirect and theoretical knowledge - non-immediate

in a sense - you never leave the immediate realm -
but the exploration of it requires a more sophisticated
and complex ontology

and this is theoretical knowledge

(another level of reflection if you like)

its reason is pragmatics - if we could survive on the
sensational / impressionistic level - we would

its not enough for this organism - partly as a result
of the structure of the organism

(i.e. - needs are determined by structure -
the composition of the thing)

hence - knowledge - non-sensational / impressionistic -
is needed to meet the challenges of such an existence


metaphysics and pragmatics

reflection defines

any definition is never final - complete

hence from this point of view

no object or state - physical or mental

is ever fixed

this is if you like the metaphysical reality

the reality of reflection

the pragmatic reality on the other hand

the fact of being in the world

demands determinacy

(even if this is undercut - reflectively - metaphysically)

and so for practical purposes

the reflective reality of indeterminacy is denied

metaphysics is denied

it is denied in the act

and it is the act which in itself asserts determinacy

this assertion is - the act is - non-reflective

that is in itself

pragmatics becomes thus the assertion of determinacy

it's theories - it's concepts

are founded on this basis

the denial of reflective metaphysics

a denial - you could say that points to necessity
as its basis

the necessity to act

the necessity to operate effectively - actively -
in the world

any post-pragmatic reflection - is to the service
of practice

what this tells us is that action begins where
reflection ends

and the ending of reflection - is the decision
to act

or the decision to act requires the cutting off
of reflection

thus the act is always wanting of knowledge

(though no less an act for this)

the act as such is founded in this denial of

thus every act reflects the unknown


a reflection is a reflection

and here we are speaking of

reflections of the unknown


the relation between the two reflections?

x reflects y
y reflects x

what does this mean?

what I think is clear is that the mind as a reflection of the body

is not a mirror image

and visa versa

hence e.g. the mind does not know the body - in toto

rather the knowledge is phenomenal - surface

and of course

what is it to say the body knows the mind?

the body and the mind

from the point of view of the body

there is no point of view -


the mind is this point of view

this is what the mind is

and so

the body is only

the mind's object

the mind the body's subject

mind and body are terms of a relation

it is the relation

that is 'above' the mind and body

that is - the unity

and it is a unity


like the foundation

that can only be expressed

in terms of the relationship

the relationship

the relation

cannot be further elucidated

but the important thing is

we are not talking about substance

the human being is not a substance (or substances)


a relation


the mind as idea of body

the mind as the idea of the body

the body as the extension of the mind


in a sense

the mind is a reflection of the body


the body is a reflection of the mind


mind and body are modes

expressions of

we say - each other

but if we wish to speak of the underlying substance

that is reflected

in mind and matter

what can we say?

at this point

at this level

the answer cannot be 'mind'

cannot be 'matter'

for such are expressions of

a more fundamental reality

or at least

of something else

the point is simply this

that if you go down this route

mind or matter

cannot be regarded

as primary -


first order

the thing is though

we can only understand the world
in these categories

these categories beg the further question

but it cannot be answered

saved to say

the unknown


an unknown with no ontological commitment

what we operate with is expressions of reality

this reality we can only speak about

in terms of these expressions