
metaphysics and pragmatics

reflection defines

any definition is never final - complete

hence from this point of view

no object or state - physical or mental

is ever fixed

this is if you like the metaphysical reality

the reality of reflection

the pragmatic reality on the other hand

the fact of being in the world

demands determinacy

(even if this is undercut - reflectively - metaphysically)

and so for practical purposes

the reflective reality of indeterminacy is denied

metaphysics is denied

it is denied in the act

and it is the act which in itself asserts determinacy

this assertion is - the act is - non-reflective

that is in itself

pragmatics becomes thus the assertion of determinacy

it's theories - it's concepts

are founded on this basis

the denial of reflective metaphysics

a denial - you could say that points to necessity
as its basis

the necessity to act

the necessity to operate effectively - actively -
in the world

any post-pragmatic reflection - is to the service
of practice

what this tells us is that action begins where
reflection ends

and the ending of reflection - is the decision
to act

or the decision to act requires the cutting off
of reflection

thus the act is always wanting of knowledge

(though no less an act for this)

the act as such is founded in this denial of

thus every act reflects the unknown