

scepticism is an understanding of relationship of
subject and object

the subject is contained within the object

this is a given

how we explain it is another thing

it is a given -

because - to speak of a subject - the category

presupposes a definitiveness

the subject is 'a something'


well at the very least we can place it within the object

we must - for it is the object - the world - that defines the

the subject is within

the question is - can the subject - define the world

its context

the domain beyond its boundaries

the answer is yes and no

the subject can describe what it 'sees' - what it knows -

this knowledge though - by definition is strictly limited

the subject can never transcend the object

(if it did so - it would by definition cease to be what
it is - at the very least - 'within')

it is the subject's awareness - consciousness of its
definition -

that leads it to the quest for definition of the totality

it is the assumption that - as the totality - the object
defines (and this is to speak metaphorically) - so it too
can be defined

this is not so

for definition requires containment

to be defined - x must be within - that is its definition -
or the ground of its definition

anything specific you say on top of this - what we normally
call definition is prefaced
on this ontological fact

the world - is not - cannot be within

it is by its nature - not within - hence - its status
as object

the world cannot be defined

the illusion that it can be - is an illusion - or a mistake
of the subject - a wish - if you like - that the object -
is not an object - but in truth - a subject

God as you can see slots in well here

our knowledge - our descriptions - of the world itself -
i.e. science - other metaphysical descriptions - are but
imaginative constructions

deep fantasies of the subject

subjectivizations of the object

in saying this though I am not devaluing such projections

it is clear

they are necessary for the human being

it is the nature of consciousness to project itself
onto the world

to imprint the object with subjectivity - to thus identify
it - know it if you like

for what reason?

the reason is - the emptiness of the object

here again

the object - the totality is without definition

the primary function of consciousness is to give definition
to that which is not defined

the relationship is perfect

the object defines the subject

the subject gives definition to the object

knowledge is just this

as it were - the rush of being to nothingness

the act is futile and necessary

it is without reason

it is just what happens -

and no different to any other happening in the world

you need to understand the world as mindless to see
its purity