
internality and reflectivity

the problem of consciousness is to account for its
internality and its reflectivity

consciousness is embedded in the physical world

at least in a class of physical entities

can we account for consciousness with a physicalist

it would seem not

consciousness it seems is not observable in a public
objective sense

so how then to account for the apparent ontological
unity of conscious entities?

is consciousness a special case of the physical?

if so we have to drop or modify the above definition
of physical

do we want to include the non-observable - private -
subjective within physicalist ontology?

if so what does 'physical' come to?

physicalist analysis is a way to suggest materialism

but what is materialism - but not-spiritualism -
as the idea of fundamental substance?

and what is difficult about regarding consciousness
as material?

only that - it doesn't present - and present in
a material way

and if material - still the question - perhaps now
more acute - how to distinguish conscious from
non-conscious matter?