
mind and activity

on such a view as I am putting forward

the activity of the mind defines

mind is defined in its activity -

we might call such an activity - conception -

if so

mind defines itself as conception

- conception - here is a description of what
it does

and this too - conception - is - or can be defined -
further elaborated

for - various purposes

so - simply and briefly I say - 'mind' is just
a name - a description - if you will for - a
certain kind of activity

note - here I am leaving 'the certain kind of
activity' - purposely blank - or as blank as it
can be - in description

to emphasize and point to the fact that we begin
as it were with nothing - nothing in the sense of
definition - of knowledge

we reflect - or this is what I call it - to give
the activity - as with any other activity - definition -
and so on

what I want to say here -

the picture I have is of beginning with nothing -
and reflecting on the activity that - follows -
and from this - knowledge -

the base - the base of humanity - is nothing -
here is the purity of - the foundation of -
what we do -

knowledge - is - I call it reflection

the making of something of nothing -

in the beginning - was not the word

in the beginning is nothing -

the word is the making of - something -

this is not magical -

it is just - pragmatic

action - existence requires in conscious entities -
definition - (reflection) -

language is the given - and necessary - medium

out of this comes the world - we make

this is of course an ideal - theoretical picture

we are born into the action of the world -
and its language -

there is no nothing in reality - only in logic -
in conception - or the logic of conception

still I want to say epistemologically speaking

the ground is pure

or perhaps - ideal

with no presumption - no content -

it is nothing -

here - if you like I am speaking of the soul of man