
what's to know?

for Spinoza my identity is my existence - pure and
simple - beyond this existential fact - primitive fact -
definition or characterization is a question of
knowledge - and our knowledge of ourselves - not just
the world - is limited - so the question is always
a live one

but perhaps it's not as gut-wrenching as say some
existentialists might have it -

hey - what's to know? - these are my thoughts -
this is what I do -

therefore - this - as in my activity - is what
I am

I know myself in terms of what I do - as in -
what I think - my thinking - and my action -
in space-time - so I know myself - in terms
of my expression(s)

as an existential entity - I am this activity

the idea of the self as some kind of substance

for Spinoza yes - he regards individual 'selfs'
as real existing entities

but as modifications of the greater picture -
which of course makes sense

my sense is that his view is that - existence -
in whatever form it takes - is what happens -
just - what happens

and it happens for no reason - that is there
is no reason for existence but existence -

and yes existing implies activity - but pure

(which is just substance - being - existing)

so - the blade of grass exists for what -
well who is going to say - for no reason?

we are likely to propose some explanation in
terms of how everything is connected in nature

and to say the blade of grass has a purpose
of function in the whole of nature - i.e. to
feed cattle

and more generally to speak of evolution

Spinoza thought existence (substance) is not
going anywhere

it may be useful for us to adopt such a view -
some kind of evolutionism - in that - this
may enhance our capacity to exist and maintain
our existence - the point of science?

the eternal truth - is here

it's everywhere about - it's always been here

it always will be

it is just the revelation of - existence