
Damasio III (iii)

in his section in chapter 4 - feelings in the brain -
new evidence

Damasio - gets subjects to think of emotional episodes
in their lives - and then the measurement -

'All the body sensing areas under scrutiny -......showed
a statistically significant pattern of activation and
deactivation.......The results told us in no uncertain
terms that some of the mysteries of the physiology of
feelings could be solved in the neural circuitry of body
sensing brain regions and in the physiological and chemical
operation of those circuitries.'

OK what do we have here?

let's begin with Damasio's idea of feeling - seeing as
we can't get rid of it

a feeling of sadness e.g. -

OK I feel sad

I may identify certain physical and mental reactions

i.e. - the feeling - leads me to think - let us say
negatively about a certain circumstance - these negative
thoughts are the mental dimension of this feeling

this feeling also expresses itself physically -
let us say I weep

so the feeling is these reactions

what I know is these reactions

if someone says what's the matter

do I say 'I think negatively about.....and I weep' -

no I describe these reactions - events as sadness

I give the experience a name - commonly associated
with such reactions

and if I am further asked - what do you mean by sadness?

I say 'well you know - it's a feeling'

feeling is more general category

used to explain the term 'sadness'

but what is real here?

are these feelings - some sort of state - actual state -
underlying these reactions?

or are feelings - and feeling - just labels for reactions?

Damasio thinks that because - you can observe a change
in brain chemistry when someone says they are feeling
sadness - you have found feeling in the brain

what you have is in fact is not the discovery of feeling

rather physical reactions in the brain

that are associated with reports of - in this case -

no different really to tears

you see what's interesting here is how you interpret
the brain activity

Damasio wants to say it is the state of sadness

such and such a reaction - just is sadness - under these
circumstances with this subject

that's what it is

he thinks he's found feeling in the brain

all we can say experimentally is these actions / reactions -
(brain activity) is happening - is observed

(and that it corresponds to certain reports of emotional

is the activity - the source of the tears and the negative

or is it just what is observed?

putting it bluntly - is brain activity the cause of the
experience - or just an expression of it (whatever it is)?

in Damasio's terms - is the brain activity the feeling -
or is it rather an expression of the feeling (again whatever
this means)?

Damasio would have to say the former wouldn't he -

because if he didn't - what is this thing called feeling?

what is feeling - if not finally brain activity?

and of course the brain must be running the show -
or else - what's going on?

surely you are not saying brain activity is just an effect
- an expression?

an effect of what?

it is in fact what I am suggesting - and my reason
is as follows

what happens in this world - from a Spinozistic point
of view - is expressed and can be understood in physical
and mental terms

what happens is so expressed

thought - and here - brain activity - are expressions
of modes of being

what we know is not the cause of things - only the
expression of the cause

or we can as it were - only approach cause through

expression of what - you ask?

fair enough

what I say is this - we don't know

for Spinoza it is substance

and if you think of substance - in itself as it were -
without it's expressions - independent of it's attributes

what do you have?

well I don't think Spinoza would wish to go there -
or say that you can

but if you do you will be face to face with the unknown