
mind and matter

mind and matter as dimensions

expressions of the one substance

we see this in human beings - and other entities -
by inference

what empirical reasons do we have to believe that
this arrangement is universal?

I have argued that mind is

an internal dimension of the entity

the human being as an entity - knows - this dimension
of itself

(this dimension - is self)

clear enough

but how can it possibly know this - outside of itself -

that is in empirical terms?

to suggest that it does - and that this attribute
(or as I say dimension) exists in all things -

is this not a form of the final cause - the anthropomorphism
that Spinoza was so keen to debunk?

a second point I want to make

Spinoza's view is that the entity can be read as either
mind or extension -

i.e. - that a complete explanation can be given -
in either attribute

I say to this -

the mind can be a complete - is - a complete explanation
of the inside - of an entity

of that dimension

a physical explanation - a complete account of the outside

of that - dimension

but as regards the entity in toto -

there is no one account -

there cannot be one account

there is no one overriding perspective

only the possibility of attributive accounts -

in Spinoza's terms - no substance - no substantial account?

aspects - we can detail -

but this is all

Spinoza - to solve this problem -

argues for 'sub specie aeternitatis'

the perspective of eternity

this is not a perspective we have access to -

and the idea of it?

it is an abstraction from attributes

an abstraction

that is more in the line of imagination than science

we cannot step outside of space / time and hold -
reality as an object of thought or perception

to suggest such is to engage - in a cosmological absurdity