
beyond mind and matter

I don't think we can say what mind is

just that it posits itself - and recognizes itself - as inside

the world - you might say -

but however you characterize the outside -

that which mind is inside of - the point is -

mind is the inside -

so I argue here a radical thesis of skepticism

which just is that we do not know

we don't know what mind is - or what it is mind is in

I say this to make the point that we can go beyond the idealist / materialist debate -

debate that is about - what

what mind is (what the inside is)

what is outside of mind (what the outside is)

what I am pointing to is the ground of this debate in its purity

the logic of it if you will -

materialism and idealism are attempts to show - to say - we do know - what is

I think we can go beyond these last ditch attempts at knowledge

and point to the absence of knowledge

epistemologically speaking we begin in the midst of it all

and look for foundations

this looking for foundation and all it entails is our living

the act of living - of searching - gives content - to our lives

(content to the contentless I would argue)

foundations are not to be found in either mind or matter

mind and / or matter may function for us - as foundations - in practice

but they are essentially only covers for the unknown

we don't know but we must act

we define - define and create

mind and matter are two such definitions

two such creations

what is behind these creations - these posits

what it is that is behind mind and matter

we cannot know

we cannot say

we begin in the midst of it all

we remain in the midst of it all

we end up in the midst of it all

beyond this (however you characterize it)

we do not know - cannot know

cannot say