
the logic of consciousness - assertion and denial

the first moment of consciousness is awareness

(whatever this is)

and awareness of awareness

which is exactly what it is


consciousness knows itself as itself

this is the fact - the presentation

I frankly don't see how this can be further explicated

any supposed explication is just that - or a statement of that which is to be explicated -

it is that is a reflection of and on consciousness

so - here the explication is actually a statement of that which is to be explicated

and of this

there is no explication

the second moment of consciousness is awareness of what it is not - the world - the
outside of consciousness - the object

so consciousness asserts itself and what it is not -
x and ~x

this is the proposition of consciousness

x and ~x

the x's here are not just short hand

they are the unknown realities

the assertion of x (consciousness) is an unknown

the negative of x is an unknown

some have taken this to mean that consciousness brings nothingness to the world -

this is primarily Jean Paul Satre's argument

his argument confuses the negative and non-existence

the negative of consciousness is not nothingness - it is non-consciousness

existence here is not at issue

(existence is not in fact a problem

existence is a question of classification )

what consciousness brings to the world is assertion and its denial

it is the ground of assertion - and denial

consciousness asserts itself positively and defines itself negatively

the definition is really nothing more or less than this

consciousness is not that which is non-conscious

awareness is only definable given the contrast with that which is not aware

in a world with only consciousness - there would be no definition

and hence nothing to speak of

such a world is literally indefinable

for mind to have any functional reality - any reality - it must exist in contrast to the

and so too the non-conscious

a conscious monism or a non-conscious monism is illiterate

the fundamental operation of consciousness -

everything else is derivative

awareness is assertion and denial

awareness / consciousness is x and ~x

such is the nature of consciousness

and this is not a substantial definition - rather a formal definition

it leaves issues of substance open

there is no ontological commitment in consciousness

the conscious world - or the world of consciousness is -

logical space

the space of x and ~x

this is to say - or another way to say it is that in a world where x and ~x could not be

there is no consciousness

is it not true that ~x is contained in x?

how else could it be?

x is only defined given ~x

~x only defined given x

consciousness comes into being when reality asserts itself

this is really all that can be said

and in this assertion is contained its denial

we can perhaps say assertion is thus the essential characteristic of consciousness

the non-conscious does not assert

it is non-assertive

and assertion is only possible - only makes any sense - against that which is not

only - that is given its negative


the world