
we begin thinking

we begin thinking in thought

the world outside of thought is non-thought - it is not thought

it is the object of thought

that which thought is primarily directed at

it is the first instance in that thought recognizes what it is not

thought or mind sees itself as situated in non-thought

this is the primary presentation

thought inside a world of non-thought

consciousness in a non-conscious world

in fact we never go beyond this reality

the primary function of thought is to characterize the unknown (that which is not
thought) in thought

it is to transform

to translate the unknown to thought

to knowledge

to appropriate the unknown

in one sense this is all thought does

at the heart of this activity - the essence of it is - uncertainty

thought is uncertain

all that is certain paradoxically is the unknown

but the unknown does not speak

we can only attempt to grasp and characterize it in thought
any such characterization - description

is finally based on description

and whatever is to count as an initial description is finally a matter of decision - and in
general convention

we inherit certain conventions

and we make new ones

they are platforms

on the unknown

masks for the unknown

like the human face