
on Spinoza's watch

Spinoza's argument begins with ultimate explanation

his work is a demonstration that the world is a demonstration of his definition

his definition of substance

Spinoza does not reach for the ultimate - he begins with it

his argument is that existence is all that there is

it is therefore without limit

his argument for infinity is an argument against limit

for if there is a limit there is something on the other side of it

and such a view could not function as a comprehensive view of what is

what is assumed here is that reality is a unity

could there be other realities?

not on Spinoza's watch

whatever exists - however it exists is an expression of existence

existence is the universal

hence on this view it makes no sense to speak of the absence of existence

there is no void - as in non-existence

this knowledge is not gained from the senses

rather from reasoning

from logic

it depends for its success on the argument that we can conceive oneness -
that we can conceive totality - limitlessness

and that this conception - corresponds to what is

so the logic of one - the conception of oneness

the flaw in this argument is that such a conception has no existential content

it is to conceive nothing

this is the great paradox of Spinoza's argument

his grand conception of existence

the totality - is a conception of no thing

this is the first point

the second point is this -

you begin with the concept of oneness

and then move to define it in terms of limitlessness - and hence totality

it is to universalize the concept of one - to take it out of all contexts

against this can be put

if the one - is not limited - as it is when defined for example as a
member of a sequence then it makes no sense to speak of one at all

one in relation to what?

therefore the universalization of one is to misconstrue it - to effectively to make it meaningless - such an argument is to the destruction of the concept of one

this is to question the argument at the level of conception

the next move - the ontological argument is beyond the pale

it is to assume that we can say from our limited perspective - what the ultimate nature of the world is - simply on the basis of our conception - what we conceive

that we can know that this conception corresponds to reality

it is the supreme argument for supreme vanity

and I say on meta / moral grounds it should be - must be rejected as rubbish