
awareness is not function

we don't know what awareness is

just that it is

we do not know what the surface is -

we operate with it yes

but what can we say of its nature?

but that it - is out there

relative to awareness

on what do we base the idea of unity upon?

the person - you might say - the unity of body and soul - mind and body -

I have said previously that it is a presupposition

a necessary notion

and too - that seems real - is real

we have the idea of it

the human body is - while a part of a unified physical system - a discreet entity

we perceive it as so

ideas and perception

I argue that the unity is logical - dimensional

two meta dimensions of the one - entity - the one thing - the one - what?

the one undefined - the one primitive - the one unknown

yes - not an easy idea - still -

our most fundamental notions really have no foundation -

anyway -

with consciousness

direct awareness

we do not have knowledge

knowledge is not direct awareness

knowledge is reflective awareness

we can posit a relation between the conscious and the non-conscious

we are not aware of the relationship

we begin with the reflective idea that there is one

the self demands it

it is a meta imperative and I think psychologically unassailable - given veridical

any account of the relation is reflective

the options are -

there is no distinction between mind and body - the idea that there is - is false

there is a distinction - but a point of contact - an underlying unity -

and variations on these themes

reflectively we are not presented with any one option

it's basically either / or

now why can't this matter be resolved?

observation only settles what can be observed

consciousness is not observed

it is - the observing

consciousness knows itself - not on the basis of observation

rather on the basis of reflection

reflection can't determine matters outside of consciousness

two ways of knowing

entail two realities

I say two dimensions of reality

and what it is that underlies the inside / the outside cannot be apprehended

Spinoza would say - substance

I say the unknown

that mind and body are expressions of -

the unknown

that the unknown is the unity

that the unity is unknown

so - if the question is

what 'connects' mind and body -

the answer is - unknown

- and unknowable

either - in terms of observation and reflection

my two dimensional idea -

is an attempt to avoid Descartes problem of interaction

(it makes no sense to speak of an inside and outside - interacting)

and to avoid the 'flat earth' theory of the mind-body identity theorists

to restore mind to where it is - and should be thought to be - on the inside

brain theory gives us account of the functioning of the surface

there is no such account for the inside

awareness is not function

what underlies awareness and function - if this is a question - is not known -

might we not give the unknown a name?
