
meditation VI

'For should some cause, not in the foot, but in another part of the
nerves that extend from the foot to the brain, or even in the brain
itself, give rise to the motion ordinarily excited when the foot is
injuriously affected, pain will be felt as though it were in the
foot, and thus naturally the sense will be deceived;....'

the pain is what?

firstly an awareness - the experience of pain as such

felt in a specific space / time region - in this case my leg at 2.00 p.m. today

the actual expression of the pain - is to be described as what?

in itself -

isn't it really without description?

it is what it is

if we reflect on it we can use synonyms

or we can say what it is not

strictly it is primitive and undefined

(this may have more to do with the question of description than with the event itself)

relative to other experiences we call it - name it - pain

we can go on to give a comprehensive account in terms of the science of the event

but this is not what I mean here -

just the experience itself

can any experience - in itself - be defined - as anything other than an unknown?
I don't think so

an experience to be defined must be seen in the context of other experiences

an awareness?

the same applies

I experience the pain - as my pain - in my foot

my body is the outside of my awareness

the fact that it has occurred in my leg is incidental to the awareness

could I have a pain that is not located in my body?


that there is a location is necessary

where is not

how do I identify location?

does it come with awareness (even if it turns out to be a false location?)


so actual location of pain - is really a question for science

the pain itself is never in question

it is located somewhere - in / on my body


still the experience locates pain specifically - even if observation suggests this is
wrong -

consciousness identifies the event in space / time

even though observation - science might challenge this identification

Descartes wants to say the experience is not reliable

that the consciousness is not reliable

in relation to space / time

again the pain itself is not in question

immediate awareness

the identification - of consciousness is immediate

the analysis of science is not

the analysis of science is non-immediate - it is reflective - analytical

(immediate) awareness is not analytical - or reflective

it is immediate

is this not the difference between the explanans and the explanandum?

between experience and explanation


my awareness qua awareness is valid

direct awareness is entirely guileless -

in terms of my surface (my body) I can observe a causal relation from foot to brain

such an account is not about awareness -

it is about the surface dimensions of the event

and it is essentially indirect - and of course unaware

also such an analysis is not event specific -

it could apply to any pain in any foot

my immediate awareness (consciousness) is event specific -

could you say such analysis (surface analysis) has no bearing on the conscious event?


not on the event

but on the class of events