
consciousness and its display

we begin in awareness with a knowledge of dimension

our awareness is of internality - and of externality

it is an awareness that manifests as logic - that which is - that which is not

this reality of awareness in the world - of internality and externality is the foundation
of logic - it is the ground on which all thinking is based

this is the reality of consciousness

awareness of awareness and awareness of what is outside of awareness

that consciousness is 'aware of itself' - is not a relation internal to consciousness

awareness just is this luminosity - it is of the nature of the thing - or more precisely
the reality of the dimension

internality is awareness

awareness is 'self-awareness'

that is all consciousness is self-consciousness

our language is essentially a tool for dealing with the external reality - and so its
fundamental structure is subject / object

when we come to consciousness - when we come to the internal reality - we find that
the object language does not fit

we need a language - if we are to explain consciousness as we do external objects -
that makes sense of a subject holding itself as object

and so this is the initial problem - the object language cannot be used in this context

really this just points to the fact that the internal dimension will not be elucidated by
external means - in external language

so at this point we are best to drop the idea altogether - object language or subject /
object language will not do the job -

but this is not a drama -

we cannot put prose to the service of consciousness -

but we can and do call on poetry

and poetry is just that 'misuse of object language' that will enable us to have a sense -
an 'account' of the internal

poetry in whatever form - in language - art - music - dance

poetry displays awareness

and at this point we realize there is no explanation

there is just display

and the possibilities of display are endless

poetry is the language of consciousness

finally consciousness is never authentically revealed in an external form

poetry is a corruption of the prosaic - of the subject / object language

a necessary one because we do need to display awareness

and there are indeed many reasons for this - but the essential enduring reason is the
need for delight

however the metaphysical fact is that awareness is essentially - internal -

and so essentially unrevealed

the poetry of the unrevealed is the essence of mysticism

there are those who prefer to direct their gaze inwards rather than outwards

those who prefer an internal focus rather than the external focus

here is theorigin of religious experience - the poetry of the internal

what is I think is clear is that neither perspective - the internal or the external is in
itself complete

the essential unity that either perspective presupposes is unknown