
this is where we begin

this is where we begin:

with consciousness in the world

this I argue is realism plain and simple

the human being as a two dimensional entity

the dimensions are internality and externality

the inside and the outside: mind and matter

mind and matter on this view are not substances - rather dimensions

dimensions of a singularity

how to characterize the unity?

we can only see inside and out -

we can thus only characterize internally and externally

as for the view from above - the third view - the view sub specie aeternitatis - there is
no such perspective

the unity as such is unknown

or the unity above and beyond its dimensions is unknown


still it might be put that we only know this - if we know it - through consciousness

the idea being that internality and externality (mind and matter) are only - and finally
categories of consciousness

if so - the argument goes - all that is presented is an Idealistic picture

that all there is - is consciousness and its characterizations

so what of such an argument - is Idealism unavoidable?

my view is that consciousness recognizes itself as inside -

as inside the non-conscious dimension of the world

so crucial to the recognition of consciousness is a recognition of reality - outside of

and the argument is that consciousness would not recognize itself - otherwise

could not distinguish itself - which in fact it clearly does

it distinguishes and defines itself dimensionally

in the absence of this dimensional distinction conscious could not recognize itself

which is to say consciousness would be unaware

that consciousness would not be - consciousness

what can the Idealist say to this -

that this recognition is illusory?

always the question is open - but is this particular question a sensible one?

can consciousness recognize itself as anything other than in the world?

I think not

but of the world?

is not the world only known via consciousness?

yes - quite true

and is what we know of the world only known in terms of consciousness' categories


nevertheless - the object of consciousness is that which is outside of consciousness

and what can we say of the outside without consciousness?

we cannot say anything

or to be more precise we can only say we do not know - we cannot know

there is no knowledge in the absence of consciousness

a world without consciousness is just that - an unknown and unknowable reality

all knowledge is a function of consciousness

knowledge is the natural expression of consciousness being in the world

consciousness itself - is thus a feature of the world - an attribute of it

which is to say consciousness depends on the world

the world does not depend on consciousness


a note on Idealism and Materialism

Idealism amounts to the view that the world is one dimensional - that it has no outside

that the inside is all there is

the question to be asked is - the inside of what?

for on such a view there is no outside dimension

it is clear that you cannot maintain the argument of an inside dimension - of
consciousness - unless you can assert confidently that there corresponds an outside

with regard to Materialism -

a one dimensional world that is external - and has no internality - is not knowable -
therefore it cannot be asserted in the first place - it is non-sensical

the overall point is - that which is dimensional - has an ontological structure

and the ontological structure of a thing is its logic

it is what makes it what it is

to suggest that you can reduce a two dimensional entity to a one dimensional entity
is to argue illogically

it is to assume you can make something into what it is not


a note on dimensions

a dimensional analysis of reality or of the mind-body relation is not a substance

dimensional analysis - is in the philosophical setting - a geometric analysis - let us
term this kind of analysis - meta geometrics

in real or practical terms - it is a structural analysis (a meta structural analysis)

in a 'theoretical' or mathematical sense - it is a formal analysis -

the point is that what exists (substance theories) are irrelevant - and non-productive -
in terms of ontological understanding - substance theories have held up any progress
on the question of the nature of things

first off we need to know what kind of thing we are dealing with - (and substance does
not deal with kind or type - substance theories are weak here because they undercut or
can undercut any formal / structural / meta geometric analysis) - and the way to
approach the problem of the nature of things is to first determine the type of the thing

what kind of thing do we have here?

what is its form - its structure?

a dimensional analysis is the beginning of an answer to these questions

if we ascertain the meta dimensions of a thing - we can begin to understand its nature
and dynamic

the issue is not as Spinoza thought - attributes of substance - it is dimensions of an
unknown unity

where we begin is with consciousness in the world

consciousness as the internal dimensions in a non-conscious external dimension

beyond these dimensions of internality and externality is the unknown