
Hegel 93

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit:



in sense certainty the object is immediate being or essence

the I - a knowing - knows the object only because the object is - while the knowing
may or may not be

the object is true - or essence - it is - regardless of whether it is known or not

whereas there is no knowledge if the object is not there


yes the knowing may or may not be there - in particularity -

but are we to say that consciousness is not an essential dimension of reality?

really who is to know the answer here?

as Hegel would be well aware - Spinoza for one argued that consciousness is an
essential attribute of reality -

we can also put the question - is the material world essential?

this too is not a matter beyond question re: George Berkeley

and in a pure Idealist reality there is no object - only subject -

just another point -

Hegel at this stage of his argument anyway

seems not to have factored in the self-consciousness

my point is - that there is an internaility that consciousness is aware of - quite
independently of the external world

now granted this internality is not describable in external terminology - nevertheless it
is real and can be given characterization - in art and poetry i.e. -

anyway his main point has to do with essence -

what is essential?

can we say existence is essential and that any thing that does exist participates in and
is an expression of that essence?

OK - if so essence is no great shakes - you can't avoid it - there is nothing else

and on such an argument every form of existence - is essential

my point is that the essentialist argument tells us nothing

it's of no use -

granted particular consciousnesses may or may not exist

and all paticular forms of non-conscious reality - may or may not exist

as to the ground of all this - existence in itself - or essence - or pure being

the fact is it is the unknown - it is 'the' unknown