
Hegel 99

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit:



pure being is the essence of sense certainty

sense certainty has demonstrated that the truth of its object is the universal

pure being is not immediacy - it is that which mediation and negation are essential to

it is not what we mean by being - but is rather being defined as an abstraction - or as
the pure universal

our meaning is not the universal - but is what is left over from this empty or
indifferent here and now


pure being is that which is unknown - and is thus the source of any knowledge

knowledge is our fundamental response to the unknown

the object of knowledge is the unknown - what else could it be?

Hegel's idea of pure being as an abstraction - amounts to saying that he has adopted a
definition of 'pure being' or essence

what I say is that any such approach to what is fundamental (whatever that is - or
however it is described) - is a failure

abstractions of any kind are (like anything else for that matter) aspects of being

and aspects of being cannot be the essence of being - this is what is essentially wrong
with Hegel's argument

my point in general is that the pursuit of essence is (and partly for the reason just
given) pointless -

logically speaking all that can underlie all that is known - is the unknown

I don't call this essence - and unlike Hegel I am not going to say some particular
knowledge is essence