
philosophical investigation

philosophical investigation is but another form
of objectification

anything created requires a number of skills
a range of artisans

philosophy can be useful in what role?

perhaps this

if you are concerned to have an idea - a concept

the philosopher will be of use

and also - how does such a concept fit in the
great puzzle?

philosophers are (needed?) of use here

not to say that a physicist or historian couldn't
step up to the plate

so what is the distinction in the philosophical

philosophy is essentially a conceptual study

the philosopher is of most interest when he/she provides
conceptual options

different ways of understanding - something - anything -
the world -

the detailed working out of one perspective is a good thing
to do - but such is a 'closed system' approach

generally based on the idea that there is but one true view
of reality

look, let's not get too upset here - it can be a fun activity
and perhaps you need to think you are on the right track to
engage in such

but understanding different uses of concepts - different ways of
seeing - is the philosopher' expertise and gift

I am not convinced though that it is a peculiar gift - the best
science does just this - and too - in the world of art

what is distinctive regarding the philosopher's perspective

the kind of analysis?

the fact that it is conceptual

finally - about ways of understanding knowledge


but if so

what is its 'own' knowledge?

is there such a thing?


again - e.g. - Plato's theory of Forms

the point is

such concepts
such perspectives

are really logically no different to the concepts and
perspectives of any inquiry

just - different ways and contexts of thinking

perhaps it is just that philosophy is an esoteric game

the object of the game - 'a unitary theory of understanding'

this of course - is never achieved - the players knows this
at the start - but the playing - on this premise - can be
very productive - very creative