
positive uncertainty

empirical evidence for any hypothesis

is the only way to move with clarity

in practice it doesn't require any sophisticated
logistics - or theoretical frameworks

to assert that something is so - or is not so

requires evidence

evidence here is no mystery

it is empirical - i.e. - a happening in the world -

objective - and physical -

either in the sense of raw observation

or clear report

intuition may be a basis for hypothesis - fine

it is not evidence

we may well question whether we have good evidence -
enough evidence - for belief - for action - this is

and let us say we do not -

it is this straightforward - don't believe - don't move
on such a belief - on such a basis

there is no certainty at any point in this analysis

only uncertainty

uncertainty - as the basis for a reason to proceed

uncertainty as a basis for a reason not to proceed

a positive uncertainty

a negative uncertainty

positive or negative - finally a matter of what does
or does not exist

which is evidence or not for

assertion or not