
where is the rub?

if the sceptic is right and we don't know

what would be the difference if we did?

or for that matter if the sceptic is wrong

and the epistemic right?

where is the rub?

the physical world is not altered either way

will people act differently?

well it might be suggested that they would or could -
but finally how to know?

is one understanding ultimately any different to

you can change your view of a situation but what
is this to say -

knowledge or its absence is not a big player here

not even a player?

different coloured chips - on the roulette table?

it all has more to do with colour than content

with artistry - rather than substances

it's how we paint on the canvas

what we paint on it

how we approach it - the changes made -

and remade - the activity

its irresistibility - focus

the canvas comes already - processed - cut - in form

the work begins

does it alter the canvas?

yes - something is changed - something remains

the idea of an original state is pure illusion

there never was one

(when does the begine begin?)

you cannot even imagine it (though some may
think they can)

logic suggests it

that is all

(and logic here is only a process - an activity
that is 'in canvas')

ultimately what is painted - created is a phantasm

we imagine it is the work - the canvas that is
the point

this is the driving observation

the fact is - it's the wall

but who cannot be surprised

disbelieving of this?