
Spinoza and subjectivity

I think Spinoza's model for the physical world -
is extension

one dimensional - (in the sense that it is not

and for Spinoza - the mental is effectively no
different to the physical

the fact that 'I know' - on such a view is not
ontologically and different to 'x exists'

there is no real internal dimension to reality
for Spinoza

everything is objective

subjectivity - just a fact of the objective world

we would say a physical fact

his conception is I think in the same vein as modern
mind-brain identity theorists

Spinoza has no doubt about objectivity

the question for him is how best to describe it -

to account for its unfolding - its expression

for Spinoza the mind is a means to this end -

an instrument to be used in this enterprise -
and for him - finally - it is no different - in
the end to that which it is put to the service of -

it too has to be laid out - explained - described -

just as does the physical world and its features

it's as if the mind displays the world

it is all like an exhibition

how do you distinguish the exhibiting from what
is exhibited?