

consciousness is a focus

(it knows what it sees)

and knows that it is a focus

that is - that it is not limitless - all seeing -
all knowing

so consciousness knows it is defined - that it
operates within limitations

and the limitation is not just the specificity
of focus

but also

the nature of the ground -

its ground

the ground of focus

- i.e. - its reason -

however - here too there is knowledge - knowledge
that a ground exists -

not one though that consciousness - sees

description of what is seen

the domain of focus

is a secondary function - of consciousness

consciousness - sees - but on reflection how
to describe?

so what is seen is presented - but not known

reflection demands description

description is not given in presentation

it is post-presentation -

and how does it come about?

here - consciousness - creates out of nothing -

the nothing that is presentation

here is the mystery of consciousness -

the act of creation

- of thought

- primal thought -

what is presented -

and even - what is beyond -

and beneath

what is presented

it is here we have our conceptions of the world

our descriptions
our explanations

we may be able to explain such - causally -
as it were

- one idea led to another - and - this came out
of such and such a need -

- OK - this though in reflection on the conception
created -

it does not account for - nor can it - account for -

the act of creation

which is thus

the fundamental unknown

that is the foundation of consciousness