
focus II

or another way of putting it is to say

the essence of consciousness is focus - i.e. -
there is no focus in the non-conscious

the absence of focus defines the non-conscious

the object of consciousness is in the first place
the non-conscious (non-focus)

and secondarily - focus - or a focus
and thus thirdly - focus itself -

the point of focus - is that it focuses

on what is

and - that is - non-focus and focus

focus is a view - in a metaphysical sense

consciousness is this view

the world is viewed - through consciousness

or more correctly - the world sees itself in

so - the appearance of focus - is another
description of the appearance of consciousness

and this appearance is not just another
manifestation of phenomena

or again - more correctly - not just the generation
of event or thing (on the non-conscious level)

yes - the point being that the emergence or -
the happening of consciousness is a change in
the nature of the world

it is the appearance of a dimension of reality

(for the argument's sake it doesn't matter if
consciousness is an emergent property as
they say - or was always there - or here)

it is - as some have thought the emergence
of the self

how do we account for this?

what is self?

at the most basic level - recognition

recognition of -

- objectivity?

yes - strangely -

and in such - is the reality of subjectivity

it is to say - that subjectivity and objectivity
are essentially one moment

the one moment split

so -

if we can speak of 'pre-self' -

we are speaking of a world - without object -
without subject -

what is such a world?

the unknown -

pure and simple

and is not the world - as we know it -

just this -

the unknown - revealing itself

in consciousness

in focus

this - we must think of - as a cosmological development

and if so

it is - one without reason

for reason - only comes with consciousness

the world itself is without reason

how different is such a statement to

the world is its own reason

the difference between everything and nothing?