
knowledge of the mind

as regards knowledge of mind and its place
in the world -

I know my mind - directly

there is no inference

in fact for all intents and purposes I am - my mind
- for it is only through my mind - I know my body -


my mind -

is this all that can be said -

can we speak - strictly speaking - of mind -

unpossessed - as it were -

a reservoir of - spirit - out there - that we and
other species dip into in varying degrees?

this is the question - in a way

is mind as with extension - a force to be reckoned with -

or rather just an anomaly - almost a mistake of nature?

- scattered points in matter - no substratum?

so does my mind's knowledge of itself

(and I am assuming this for the moment)

go beyond itself - recognize - mind in other forms?

not directly - this is clear

indirectly - well yes

and if not - well some kind of solipsism -

I may not be the only one that exists - but the only
one with a mind and knowledge

clearly not on

the mind recognizes itself in other physical forms?

is this just analogical inference -

or is there a more direct knowledge here?

i.e. mind recognizing mind

if so - how?

if this is on - it's not so much a question of
perception as in sensual perception

though clearly perception plays an instrumental role

rather it is recognition of -

it is in some sense a cognitive action

it is an apprehension

the mechanics of this I don't know and have no idea
to put forward at the moment

but I will stick with this notion and try and think
it out