
substance has no substance

this problem - the problem of mind for Spinoza -

that mind becomes an infinite regress of ideas
you would think should be resolved in substance

the fact is though substance - is only known as -
mind or extension

so - the infinite regress of ideas - just is substance
(as mind)

substance is no foundation for Spinoza

it may appear to be - he may believe it is

he does want it to function as such

but this is not the case

substance - for all we know - is its attributes

its expression

strictly speaking - expression

- no - 'its'

there is no substance to substance

substance in this sense - if you wish to keep the concept -
is the unknown

this is the best you can do

otherwise the picture we have -

is expression - nothing more nothing less

just - revelation

and revelation of


revelation of revelation

no substance to it

strangely modern