
functioning consciousness

what I have been putting is that consciousness is the inside dimension
of reality

I don't think all of the surface reality has an underlying consciousness

only life forms I think have this possibility

and within this group only complex forms

I think all consciousness is self-consciousness

that is that any form that has consciousness

recognizes - at least at a very primitive level - non-conscious reality

this recognition distinguishes

the distinguishing is the fact - of self

self as I am defining it is essentially a logical fact

the fact of differentiation

all right

so my basic position is that the mind-body problem is dimensional

not substantial

we are talking about two dimensions - not two substances

awareness is the inside of things - that have an inside

this is what the mind is

non-awareness is the outside

the outside is not aware

the brain on this view is squarely part of the surface of the world

therefore the brain - as a surface category - is not aware

if you want to characterize the outside world as physical

the physical is not aware

the brain is not the mind


so the question - what is the relation between the inside (of a human being)
and the outside?

we are aware of the outside - that awareness is internal

it is in the broadest sense - knowing

thus when we observe the brain - scientifically that is - our awareness -
in the form of neurological conceptions is what?

the mind's picture of the brain

now the question - can we jump to -

the mind's picture of itself


the mind is awareness

we are self-awareness

therefore aware of awareness

that is the mind's picture of itself

it is really quite contentless

if I say the mind is the brain what am I doing?

on my thinking I am saying the inside is - the outside - or a particular
location of it

the inside is the outside?

such an argument is to destroy the essential distinction of my argument

it is to go against what I see to be the basic reality we face

such would not be a move forward

the mind has a picture of the outside

the outside of itself - yes

the mind cannot be identified with any particular feature or region
of the outside

it can only equate to the whole of the outside - of a human being

is this so?

earlier I suggested a monad model of consciousness

that the outside of the world - has mind points in it

could the same argument be made in relation to the body

that the inside is not co-extensive with the outside -
is rather a point - within?


how would this relate to the brain

the mind is the inside of the brain

the brain as two dimensional -

I understand this is getting closer to the common view

(if there is such a thing)

but for me the question why?

why take such a view?

the obvious argument

brain damage effects directly the functioning of consciousness


but perhaps this is an unexpected clue -

the functioning of consciousness

the idea being that the brain is consciousness as a function

that awareness requires the brain - for its functioning

the brain is awareness functioning

awareness - out there?