
picture and function

for me the mind / body problem is the question of the relation between
the inside and the outside

inside - as consciousness

the outside - the body

and our particular focus is the brain -

can we regard the brain as the outside of the mind?

yes - we can put up this hypothesis

always understanding that the mind - awareness - is never observed -

it is not out there - on the surface - to be observed

awareness can only be known reflectively

or awareness is - whatever else it is - awareness of awareness - in the first instance

so two kinds of knowledge - knowledge of the inside (awareness of awareness)
and - observational - knowledge - knowledge of the outside -

the outside provides its own knowledge via the senses

still for me the question of how awareness relates to non-awareness

how consciousness relates to the non-conscious

inside / outside - that is a dimensional analysis - is a start

the entity - the person - is two dimensional

the whole here - is two dimensional

the unity is expressed in two dimensions -

in mind - in matter

and this unity - can only be understood dimensionally

can only be successfully described in these terms

this may have been Spinoza's intuition and he then took it to
the universe - to reality - as such - as a whole

that which is - here - let us say the person - for Spinoza substance
or a mode there of

is in itself unknown

this I think is unavoidable

for Spinoza the one thing expressed in two attributes

for me - two dimensions of the one -

and the dimensions are inner and outer

I am not convinced that - for Spinoza there is any internality

and this I think is a major defect of his argument

so - inner and outer

I argue is a real division

that some things in this world - have an inner dimension -
that this is consciousness

can we know how the inner relates to the outer - or visa versa?

they must be two aspects of the one thing -

otherwise there is no unity - no thing to speak of -

is this to argue that inner is co-extensive with outer


consciousness - though seems to be a non-extended - point

a focus

a focal point

perhaps awareness here is the tip of the iceberg?

the body as the outside of the mind

the mind as the inside of the body

simple as that

nothing more to it?

the point being that knowledge of the inside - cannot be observed

that knowledge of the outside is not a matter of reflection

my gut feeling is that the relation -

inside and outside - is not something we ever see

it is unknown

or perhaps it is not a question that makes any sense

how does the inside relate to the outside?

they are two dimensions of the one unity

and really it's only the mind-brain identity theorists who want
to deny the internal - and argue for one dimension

at least I think they are committed to such a view

the Cartesians on the other hand mistook dimension for substance

the mind-brain identity theory is - in my terms - an hypothesis of what?

location -

the mind is the brain

this is where you will find it

in my terms it would be to say - the brain is the outside of the mind

still an argument about the location of consciousness


but is consciousness relevant to a theory of how the brain works?

brain theory is really just theory about how the organism functions

is the inside - consciousness - relevant to this?

I wonder -

perhaps the behaviourists are right here

functioning is about how the outside works

how the surface - operates

the fact of the inside - of awareness is just the realm of knowing -

it is awareness of function

the brain is all that it is - does all that it does

awareness is another matter

brain function is a surface function - awareness is an internal
property - the internal property - internality

therefore awareness is not function and furthermore -
function is not awareness

however awareness and function go together -


function is what to awareness?

it is really the primary object of awareness

the surface - that is - is what the mind is aware of

and awareness?

awareness - shows the surface - pictures the function