
Hegel 169

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit:



the determination of life as it has issued from the Notion is sufficient to characterize it
without having to further develop its nature

its sphere is completely determined in the following moments - essence is infinity as
the suppression of all distinctions - the pure moment of axial rotation - its self-repose
being an absolutely restless infinity - independence itself in which the differences of
the movement are resolved - the simple essence of Time has stable shape of Space

the differences are present in this universal medium - for this universal flux has its
negative nature - only in being the suppression of them - but it cannot supersede the
different moments if they do not have an enduring existence

it is the very flux as a self-identical independence which is itself an enduring existence
- in which the different moments are present as distinct members and parts

Being no longer has the significance of an abstract universality - nor has the essence of the different moments the significance of abstract universality - on the contrary their being is the simple fluid substance of pure movement within itself

the difference of these members is just the moments of infinity - or the pure
movement itself


I think Hegel missed his calling - he should have been a classical composer - he has
created a masterful and beautiful - quite exquisite music - and its most stunning
feature is that it is soundless

what we face is what we don't know -

the result of such is anxiety - anxiety is just the experience of not-knowing - with the
belief that knowing is possible - anxiety is this conflict -

out of this anxiety - in response to it we create explanations - pictures - myths
the point of which is to dispel the unknown

strictly speaking it is to just cover it -

our posits - our 'descriptions' are the platforms we create in order to act with some
bearing - some coordinates - in a world that is essentially unknown

we conquer the unknown in our imaginations

here I will leave Hegel for the present