
the ontological argument and painting

if we regard the object of knowledge as unknown

the question then is how to give it character

so initial metaphysical definition

i.e. - existence

existence as a description of the full range of what
is in question

then to further characterization -

i.e. - God - as a name of existence -

we impose an image

(we make images - this is what we do - as much as
walk and run)

an image which is loaded up - with the attributes
we believe to be essential

(it's meta pioneering - loading up the wagon -
staking out the claim - building the cabin)

the ontological argument as put by Anselem is a mistake

in the sense that - to think existence is - that which
is described -

when in fact it is the description - of that which -
needs to be formulated - described -

that which is unknown - not known -

my point is that there is no existence but the concept of

which is description of the unknown -

if the description is adopted - and it is

we can then speak of - not the unknown - but existence

a small advance really -

that necessitates further characterization -

strictly speaking - in a logical sense - there is nothing
to begin with

so - to make an existential statement

is to characterize

it is always to describe

the existential statement simply brings the flux - to order

it is the maestro's tap to the orchestra's cacophony

the ontological statement creates a platform on which to build

below is the unknown

God - the concept is such a description

existential concepts describe

and any creation here - is descriptive

this is all to speak analytically -

we operate with an enormous treasure chest of concepts
and description

we are really just creating the art work - as we go -

we place ourselves - in the picture - on the canvas -
and begin to paint - and we never stop - or leave